My learnings from backpacking

Zhen P
2 min readAug 18, 2021

All the excitement and eagerness related to any journey only fully ends when you’ve absorbed all of it. Everything you’ve experienced consciously and subconsciously counts here. Once you’ve phased through the movement, then there’s learning.

Starting off, the first thing is to stay a blank slate when it comes to expectations, you’ll be exposed to some amazing stuff and people.

Travel always does one thing, and that’s the lifting of veils!

There are good people everywhere, doesn’t matter what the news tells you or what you’ve believed to be true.

I personally pushed my patience to a level where I learnt to start being tolerant of other people, people I wouldn’t empathize with otherwise. There’s also newfound respect for my favourite principle on personal space. It’s simple, giving and taking is correlated more than you sometimes notice.

Once you start to get more patient, and more observant you also build a stronger appreciation for the little things around you. This could be anything from a couple of insects rolling up mud balls or being surrounded by a harmoniously living human community without a fight.

At the same time, while you slow things down for yourself, you’ve also got to balance out staying up for the test, always alert and active. This becomes a bit of a task if suppose you’re travelling alone in new territories. Getting enough rest to be able to enjoy your journey while you’re also sharp is something that helped me out.

There’s a ripple effect to everything, I’ve noticed and can honestly confirm that — to be kind at first, almost always helps.

Respecting the laws of the land or the people living on the land is something I personally always live by. This journey taught me how important this principle is if we want to continue to maintain the originality of any place or culture.

I also started appreciating home in a different light. From the vibes around family, to love cooked meals and absolute peaceful sleep.

To not let fear stand in the way. It’s okay to get mildly lost or not know where you’re headed. Somethings you just go for, follow a road or listen to the locals, not always what the internet says.



Zhen P

Freewriting on time, space & movement. p.s. leave no trace